Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Good Old Shoe(s)

First of all, I love the movie Wag the Dog. And when I started writing this post I thought of THIS. It has NOTHING at all to do with what I'm writing about. Except old shoes.

Saturday I made a tiny little (read: HUGE) runners mistake. Something no one should ever do. Trust me. It may sound harmless, it's not.

I *gasp* ran in OLD shoes.

It's true.

It wasn't on purpose. Last week was a whirlwind of stress. My car died on Wednesday night on the way home from work. Thursday was spent making phone calls. Friday was spent looking at cars. It didn't occur to me until Friday night that I had left all my running clothes, including my sneakers, at the gym at work. Boo.

But I had to be at Team Challenge practice bright and early Saturday morning ready to run, so I grabbed the newest old pair of sneakers from my closet and went for it. We ended up doing just over 6 miles through Valley Forge. The weather was cold but sunny and great for a nice long run. Afterwards I felt great! We went home and got ready for a family event, and afterwards headed back out to troll the dealerships for my new car. Which by the way I am in love with.

Kissing my old (non-running) car good-bye

Hello New CAR!<3

Ok. But really. Back to the shoes. I was looking forward to the whole, sleeping in on Sunday thing, and I must admit it was wonderful. Until I tried to get out of bed and make coffee, and could barely walk. My outer thighs were SO SORE. Curse you IT bands!

It was then that I realized I never should have worn those old shoes. There was a reason I needed new ones. I basically waked around like a cripple for two days, I even tried rolling my legs out with a coffee cup. That should probably tell me I need a foam roller. Yes I attempted a run last night, and I felt ok (in the new shoes) but it wasn't until I (very painfully) massaged my quads last night that I finally started to feel better. I learned my lesson, old shoes are old for a reason, they are pretty much good for collecting dust, donating at race expos, and gardening. But in all honesty I'm not much of a gardener.

Have you ever made some running mistake you know you shouldn't? Worn old shoes? Ate something new the day before a race?

xx Sara

1 comment:

Rachel said...

sweet new car! my body can ALWAYS tell if my shoes are too old and worn down. and unfortunately, this is like every 3 mos. makes me feel so wasteful!