Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mothers Day

One of my favorite pictures of mom and me at one of her races. I may only be about 1 year old in this picture but whenever I look at it I think of it as proof I was born to be a runner.

It's hard to say for sure, but I have a good feeling that with out my mother as an example I would not be the runner I am today. If she had it her way I would have been a runner many years earlier, but she never gave up and let me develop at my own pace. Now that I am older and we have more of a friend relationship, she is almost always the first person I go to for advice, especially for running. She always reminds me that it's important to keep a healthy balance of running and other fun things.

I admire my mother for her incredible strength and determination to not only run as much as she did, but to raise a wonderful loving family at the same time. If ever there is a moment when I doubt myself, I think of my mom and all the things she had and still continues to do. When I ran my first half marathon, and things started getting tough I thought of her, and that brought me strength to keep on going.

And even though she has been through some set backs of her own she hasn't let it stop her from getting back in the game. When I told her I was signing up for another full marathon after (what I considered to be) a disaster and a let down a year and a half ago, she too did something incredibly brave and signed up for the half marathon. Her first long race in almost eight years. Together we can share in the journey of training and preparing for a race that both scares us and excites us at the same time.

Happy Mother's Day mom. You are amazing.

xx Sara

1 comment:

Bethany said...

How sweet! You truly were born to run! xoxo